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Republican Leaders Say Putin Not Welcome in Capitol, But 87% of Republican Voters Want...

July 30, 2018 A recent poll found that 54% of Americans approved of Trump meeting again with Putin in the Fall, and an overwhelming 87%...

STATE-CONTROLLED MEDIA? As Trudeau Takes Endless “Personal” Days, CTV Focuses On What Matters: His...

by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com July 29, 2018 It seems CTV is now joining CBC as Canada’s second state-controlled broadcaster. Among many Canadians, Justin Trudeau has faced massive criticism...

Former talk show host Dave Rutherford and long time federal politician Jay Hill have...

https://www.facebook.com/DaveandJayShow/videos/295702091194828/ For Audio, make sure to check link at bottom right corner of video... The Dave & Jay Show launched on July 28th! Dave and Jay...

Time to Sue BC Gov for Non-Use of Mars Water Bomber? Bob Mackin

Why is Vancouver Mayor Robertson fighting so hard to keep his government emails secret?

WATCH: Premier Doug Ford Announces Plan To Slash Toronto City Council From 47 To...

“There isn’t anybody I know who wouldn’t want me to trade in a bunch of politicians for $25 million,” says Ford

Toronto Shooting: What They’re Not Telling You (Video)

Paul Joseph Watson resurrects his "Mangina" character to help debunk the media's narrative about the Toronto terrorist shooting on the Danforth:

World Mercury Project video BANNED by Facebook now available at REAL.video – see “Epidemic...

RFK, Jr. says that while it’s not rational to blame vaccines for every disease, “we ought to be doing the science” to find out the true impact of vaccines on causing degenerative disease in children

REPORT: Source Says Gun Used By Faisal Hussain Was Illegally Obtained & From The...

Those who tried demonizing law-abiding Canadian gun owners now look like fools

FUREY: Meet the spin doctor behind the Hussain family statement (Video)

The man who has presented himself as the point of contact for the family of Faisal Hussain is a professional activist who has reportedly committed himself to “framing a new narrative of Muslims in Canada” and creating a “national political movement.”