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I Know the Name of the Spy the FBI Put in the Trump Campaign,...

The New York Times over the New Year’s weekend, 2017-2018, wrote a story saying that actually it was something else that triggered everything, and that was George Papadopoulos

Haley Gives Unequivocal ‘No’ to UN Push for ‘Legally Binding’ Climate Pact with US

The United Nations has approved a proposal that would streamline international environmental law and codify it under one “legally binding” document enforceable over all nations, according to Fox News.

Trudeau worries that questions about a violent ISIS fighter are divisive

You can’t make this stuff up, Justin Trudeau was asked this week about a Canadian who fought for ISIS and returned to Canada and he dismissed the questions as a divisive political attack

REAL.video: The pro-liberty answer to YouTube censorship is now less than 60 days away...

REAL.video is launching in less than 60 days. It’s a free “YouTube alternative”

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts – “SKY EVENT.” PATREON

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "SKY EVENT."

Bob Mackin focuses in on Vancouver Mayoral Candidates, and much, much more… on the...

  https://youtu.be/Oye2G3p4pT8 Transit – Less for More, and Money Laundering Guest's website: https://thebreaker.news/ Produced by https://www.HoweStreet.com Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the HoweStreet.com Weekly Recap...

Leaks, fake news, and hidden agendas

Thousands of articles have been written about the so-called Russian hack of the US election. The term “Russian hack” suggests the Russkies actually found a way to subvert the results of voting machines

Democrats Freak Out as Kanye Flips the Black Vote that Could Doom the Leftist...

  https://youtu.be/oIdeuhE3ELo By Bill Whittle May 4, 2018 If Democrats lose more than 15% of the black vote, they will lose national elections. Kanye West has 28 million Twitter...