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Syria, Israel, Mueller, Stormy, and the Border. Michael Rivero this Week!

US/China Trade War, Gold, Cryptos, and the First Amendment

Deep Truth. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this.

https://youtu.be/w9N5Y1-gkJo Dana Ashlie Published on 30 Mar 2018 See overview of video topics w/ time stamps incl. in desc. box. Ni^ck Cr^uz heard v0ices urging him to...

Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers, by Jon Rappoport

by Jon Rappoport April 9, 2018 California used to be trumpeted as the cutting edge of American culture. It still is, except the culture is now all...

NAFTA Destroyed US & Mexican Economies, Is Responsible for Mass Immigration

Jake Morphonios explains how free trade treaties such as NAFTA destroyed not only the American economy by shipping manufacturing jobs overseas, but ruined Mexico’s agricultural industry, too

Net Neutrality is a left-wing control scheme that grants Google and Facebook monopoly power...

“Net neutrality is the principle that all data on the internet should be treated the same. However, the fake net neutrality purposefully excluded Silicon Valley internet companies, rendering them free to block and discriminate against content,” Free Our Internet noted

Yes, George Soros was a Nazi collaborator (and now funds Media Matters and other...

George Soros really is a deranged psychopath who lacks normal human emotion and is willing to do ANYTHING to advance his personal agendas

Ontario PCs Have Over 50% Support: Mainstreet Research Poll

Poll says heavy-spending Wynne budget not helping Ontario Liberals

LIVE TOWN HALL: Silicon Valley’s Anti-Conservative Bias & War on Free Speech

truly some in-depth reporting journalism exposing what google, facebook and twitter, as well as Chrome are all about, and its nasty!

More Links Between Brain Cancer and Cell Phones. Sharon Noble

Report finds 47 fires caused by Smart Meters, no government reaction

YouTube shooter identified as left-wing Farsi-speaking VEGAN named Nasim Aghdam; ranted against YouTube for...

Liberal heads are exploding tonight as bizarre facts are now emerging about the YouTube shooter who opened fire, wounding three YouTube employees and killing herself in an attempted murder-suicide