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Trump, PUtin, Mueller, Soros and Hillary. Michael Rivero this week

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5G wireless: a ridiculous front for global control

by Jon Rappoport April 3, 2018 First, two quotes to give a bit of background. 5G speed, for people who must download a whole season of their...

Poll: 77 Percent Believe Traditional Media Guilty of Fake News

A whopping 77 percent of over 800 respondents relayed their distrust for major news organizations in both television and print — a marked increase from the 63 percent that was already skeptical a year ago

Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals

What sets this study apart is the fact that the rats were exposed to levels of radiofrequency radiation that are below the permitted amounts set by the U.S. FCC

Pro-Gun Parkland Survivor Attacks ‘March for Our Lives’ With Bombshell Statement

In the case of the Parkland shooting, the gunman involved raised red flags that were bungled by the local sheriff’s office and the FBI. But they’re exactly the kind of government agencies liberals say are more trustworthy than the everyday Americans who make up the NRA

Michael Rivero This Week: Trump, Tariffs, Drugs, McCabe and Deep State

Thought Crimes, Guns, Voting Fraud, Africa, and Censorship

The Real Collusion Story (A Must Read)

In a textbook example of denial and projection, Trump foes in and out of government wove a sinister yarn meant to take him down.

Twenty-Eight Counts of Treason: The making of war against the U.S. or aiding its...

Twenty-Eight Counts of Treason When you say the Mueller Investigation, please remember it is actually the Comey Investigation to Impeach as it was called by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two of the key FBI members of a team that Comey led through Bill Priestap’s counterintelligence department which is protected by a “National Security” blanket that allows them to conduct top secret “operations.

Flashback! Renowned investigative journalist Michael Hastings was working on story about CIA Chief John...

The mysterious death of famed investigative journalist Michael Hastings took a surprising turn this week when it was revealed that the target of his latest expose was CIA Director John Brennan

REPORT: Andrew McCabe Threatened To Take Down Others If He Was Fired. He Was...

McCabe would have turned 50 on Sunday, making him eligible for over $1 million in retirement