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Lead BLM Investigator Blows Whistle, Exposes Gov’t Conspiracy Against Bundy Family

The Bundys and other defendants are currently on trial for conspiring to stop federal authorities from confiscating family cattle after Cliven Bundy failed to pay grazing fees and fines for years. They’re also facing charges relating to using or carrying a firearm in a crime of violence, threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and extortion

Judge Pirro: The Opener, Members of FBI, DOJ ‘Did Everything They Could’ to Exonerate...

Jeanine Pirro Rips the FBI Crime Family a New One, Opening Statement Jeanine Pirro reiterated her call for members of the FBI and Department of Justice to be taken away in handcuffs

Why has the Deep State gone to war against Donald Trump?

December 17 by Jon Rappoport Why has the Deep State gone to war against Donald Trump? Some people say Trump is nothing more than another Globalist puppet. Is that...

BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 12/16/17: Hannity – “A Second Special Counsel”

@President Trump, "We the People" AREN'T just "ANGRY"! We're down right pissed at the upper management of the FBI! What these people have done is beyond reprehensible!

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton Uncovers New Clinton Scandal, plus…

JW President Tom Fitton is LIVE discussing JW Suing Over Anti-Trump FBI Info, Uncovers New Clinton Scandal Docs, & Sues Cali to Clean Up Dirty Voter Rolls

BOMBSHELL REPORT: High profile attorney sought cash for Trump accusers

Documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill suggest that Bloom contacted political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton in her efforts to take down Trump and make a tidy profit at the same time.

FCC Votes To End Net Neutrality

Despite over-hyped concerns, the vote simply returns FCC internet regulations to pre-2015 conditions

Trump, Hillary, Fires, Jerusalem, Flu Shots, and Gold, with Michael Rivero

US has lost track of $21 Trillion, cancer scientists committing suicide, Vegas Massacre, sexual harassment

Bombshell Report Fingers ‘Pedo’ Joe Scarborough In Intern’s Death

With recent attacks on President Donald Trump and accusations of threats of blackmail by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, a bombshell report has surfaced

Corey Feldman WAS Telling The Truth: Santa Barbara Police Say They’ve Found Historic Audio...

by David Zublick December 10, 2017 Police in California say they have uncovered a tape in which Corey Feldman lists the names of men who abused him in...