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Rex Murphy: ‘Antifa’ are despicable fascists – call them that, openly, now

Just because a group chooses to call itself anti-fascist, and chooses to say it’s against hate, there is no obligation on the press to accept the self-promotion of a violent masked mob. A lazy and timid press, however, does just that

EXCLUSIVE–Dick Morris Releases New Poll: President Trump More Popular than Mainstream Media Reports

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted by John McLaughlin and Associates between August 26 and August 30 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent

Over 400 Links Google Doesn’t Want You To Visit – This is Straight out...

https://youtu.be/vrKs_vduiKU by Slad August 30, 2017 The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New...

Michael Rivero This Week! 2nd Special Counsel, Petitions, Debt Ceiling, Podesta, and Pot

2nd Special Counsel, Petitions, Debt Ceiling, Podesta, and Pot

Trudeau Government May Punish Canadian Hero Who Revealed Khadr Payment

If Trudeau had his way, Canadians never would have heard about it

Stunning Leaked Footage of Bunkerville Standoff at Bundy Ranch

https://youtu.be/17K-2jDyAII Courtesy Published on Aug 23, 2017 by J Grady   August 24, 2017 The 2014 Bunkerville Standoff saw over 200 armed federal agents aim their guns at American citizens...

WATCH: Sheriff Arpaio Just RISKED EVERYTHING To Tell Neil Cavuto What Obama Did To...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio spoke with Neil Cavuto from Fox Business network on Wednesday and made it absolutely clear that he LOVED the President and the amazing speech he made last nigh

Reporter Who Exposed BBC Pedophilia Cover Up Found Dead

Liz MacKean, the former British investigative reporter who exposed Jimmy Savile and the culture of pedophile protection at the BBC, has been found dead. She was 52

They want to kill the Rebel. It’s now or never. Ezra shows you his...

A lot of people want The Rebel to die, and this seems to be their moment; they’re all piling on. The mainstream media says we’re dead already. Canada’s biggest newspaper, The Toronto Star wrote, "Is this the beginning of the end for Canada’s Rebel Media?” Their answer, is "of course". But they’ve said that since the day we were born.