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Election Fraud Exposed: Millions Of Dead Voted And Thousands Of Illegals In Critical Swing...

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was disbanded after Democrats obstructed their investigation and several states refused to comply with information requests. President Trump handed the investigation over to the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) and now Democrats will have a hard time blocking the investigation into voter fraud, which a recent Pew research study suggests is rampant.

REPORT: Germany To Abandon Their 2020 Climate Target

As part of what appears to be a new coalition deal, the German government led by Angela Merkel will abandon their 2020 climate target

Let’s Hope Oprah Runs! by Dick Morris

https://www.facebook.com/Deep6TheDeepState/videos/389418644803161/ To listen to video, you many have to turn speaker on, located in the lower right corner of the video... Dick's facebook page HERE        

Warning: Disturbing and shocking information on video: Legalization of Pornography

If you want to know the history behind the horrendous onslaught of the sickening sex curriculum that is sweeping the world...this video will explain it well

Facebook declines to say why it deletes certain political accounts, but not others

Facebook is declining to say why it appears to be picking and choosing political leaders to censor at the request of the US government after it deleted the social media accounts of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

Lindsey Graham. An Ally of President Trump. No, Really! Watch!

Senator Graham talks Trump, Mueller and 2018 and much much more...

John Birch Society on the Illuminati and the New World Order

A presentation on the New World Order Conspiracy 1996 by John F. McManus.

Radio Station Reports UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Gets Taken Off The Air (Video)

Matt Dubiel joins Alex Jones and Roger Stone live to break down how his radio station was mysteriously silenced from the airwaves while broadcasting Infowars…

Clinton Corruption Completely Exposed in Under Five Minutes

Morning Joe exposes the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and "Bill Clinton Inc.".

When The Biased News Media Started A War, Dick Morris

1898: When The Biased News Media Started A War - History Video! - DickMorris.com at DickMorris.com Click Here to give me your thoughts and continue the...