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Rising up against the Oligarchs does not equal socialism by Jon Rappoport

The Oligarchs---bankers, mega-corporate CEOs, financiers, government leaders, intelligence agencies---collude to cut out competition so they can stand alone at the summit of the mountain

Pentagon paid for patriotism at NFL games by Jon Rappoport

If politics is the last refuge of scoundrels, as the old saying goes, then constant calls for Unity is the last refuge of politicians

Didn’t Take BC NDP Long to Lie to Voters . Harvey Oberfeld

Trudeau UN Performance Disappointing

WW3, Political Theatre 2.0, Voter Fraud, and Dead Doctors. Michael Rivero

NFL, Cyber Criminals, Tap Water, Hurricanes, and Food

‘Fraud’: Mainstream polls use 29% more Democrats than Republicans

Most of the top political polls that got the 2016 presidential race dead wrong are continuing to use a flawed methodology in rating President Trump's approval ratings that favors Democrats, women and younger voters, according to a new analysis (Chart Inside)

CBC wants anti-Trudeau attack ad banned from YouTube

The Conservatives are once again insisting that Justin Trudeau "just isn't ready" -- and the CBC wants it scrubbed from the internet

Trump, Isolation, UN, Hurricanes and Hillary. Michael Rivero – September 19, 2017

Deep State, Globalism, GAB, Vaccines and Missiles

Millions in foreign funds spent in 2015 federal election to defeat Harper government, report...

Mount Royal University political science professor Duane Bratt says Canadians should be concerned about any kind of foreign involvement in our elections

Bannon on 60 Minutes: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell ‘Trying to Nullify 2016 Election’

Steve Bannon, the ousted White House strategist, sat for an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose on Wednesday afternoon in Washington. The full interview will air Sunday on 60 Minutes with portions of it set to run Thursday on CBS This Morning

Trump, Sessions, Hillary, SSRI’s, Wildfires and Hurricanes. Michael Rivero – September 5, 2017

North Korea, Antifa, Cryptos, plus Yuan, Oil and Gold Guest's website