TUCKER CARLSON BLASTS Head Of White House Press Assoc: “Do you think it’s ok...
Tucker Carlson had the Head of the White House Press Association on last night….It was a slugfest!
When Bill Nye Enlisted Science in the Service of Perversion
Bill Nye the Science Guy's new Neflix show "Bill Nye Saves the World" produced the most awful music performance in the history of the human race
Fox News to Shift Left Almost Immediately?
By By C.E. Dyer
The Federalist Paper Project
April 26, 2017
After the ouster of CEO Roger Ailes and now Bill O’Reilly, Fox News is reportedly set to...
Radio Sports News: Rogers to purchase AM650 and create Sportsnet radio in Vancouver, BC
Rogers Media has purchased radio station 650 CISL with the intent to launch an all-sports radio station. The deal is expected to close by...
Vince Foster, Tommy Burkett, and Fake News and the Clinton body count!
Alternative sources of news—including social media—are flourishing, and one of the primary reasons is that the mainstream press simply fails to report important news. One can hardly find a better example than the December 1, 1991, murder of Marymount college student Tommy Burkett at the Herndon, Virginia, home of his parents, Thomas Burkett, Sr. and Beth George
FAKE NEWS: MSNBC Blames “Trump Donations” For Venezuela Unrest
There’s a reason the elitist establishment media is losing all their credibility
Tucker Carlson Replaces O’Reilly – “The Promotion Of A Lifetime For My Family &...
With Tucker Carlson’s recent explosion into prime time news taking over for Megyn Kelly, he is once again following a controversial departure from Fox News
Fox News Severs ties with Bill O’Reilly amid sex allegations – Tucker Carlson moves...
“The O’Reilly Factor” finished 2016 as the most-watched show in cable news and O’Reilly has essentially dominated the industry for nearly two decades, finishing No. 1 in all of cable news for 16 straight years.
The trial of Cliven Bundy: A travesty of justice
This week, a group of men who stood face to face with government agents and refused to back down will find out how many more years of their lives that decision will cost them, as a verdict is expected in their federal trial in Las Vegas. It is the case of United States v. Cliven Bundy, et al.
Google COMPLETELY IGNORES Easter, Yet Dedicates a Countdown Page to the Islamic Holiday of...
Once again, the leftist controlled company known as Google shows its true colors and anti-Christian ideology, today they decided to COMPLETELY ignore the day of Christs resurrection, also known as Easter