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Tulsi Gabbard – Why I’m Leaving The Democratic Party!

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism

Man who pushed SARS dud now pushing new Chinese virus, by Jon Rappoport

The Chinese government has locked down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, owing to the “threat of the coronavirus.” There are also travel restrictions in several other Chinese cities. What does all this prove?

Sometimes It Take Transparency To Force A Nation, Stage Being Set, U1 – X22...

The [DS] is ready to use everything they have.

If We Get Nuked It Will Be By…

If we get nuked

Trudeau’s Euthanasia Program “Murdered My Son” Says Canadian Mother, by Brad Salzberg

"What proof was demonstrated? Nobody contacted me to check, question or confirm my son’s reasons.”

2 Teens Shot Outside Home of Congressman Lee Zeldin who Is Running for Governor...

Republican US Representative Lee Zeldin from New York is running against Democrat incumbent Kathy Hochul to become the crime-ridden state’s next governor.

Bill Gates Poisoning The Water! – From Tracking Chips To Eugenics & The Great...

Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest news of Bill Gates' investments as he puts more money into tracking and tracing systems, digital IDs and of course the poisoning of the tap water, because of course he is.

‘Vaccinated’ populations suffering strange new illness doctors report foreign compounds found in vax

This Shi*t Show Just Keeps Getting More And More Horrific!

The Truth About mRNA Vaccines – Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Truth About mRNA Shots

Fear, Panic, Loss Of Narrative, We Are At A Turning Point, Hunters Moon –...

 The [DS] is panicking, fear has set in and they have lost the narrative, we are at a turning point