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Justice Centre to challenge Ontario government over vaccine passports

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today responded to the Ontario government announcing a new and unprecedented medical order meant to coerce Ontarians to receive Covid-19 vaccines.

Chatting With Larry Elder: The Mystery of California, Commentary by Roger L. Simon

Hopefully Larry Elder will unseat the cabal of the Pelosi-Brown-Newsom triumvirate of destructive control and California can once again become the Golden State in...

Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished

In Israel, vaccinated individuals had 27 times higher risk of symptomatic COVID infection compared to those with natural immunity from prior COVID disease [95%CI:13-57, adjusted for time of vaccine/disease]. No COVID deaths in either group.

A strategy for defeating the COVID narrative, Jon Rappoport

—Memo to attorneys and political leaders who want to destroy the COVID narrative that has been used to justify the lockdowns, masks, economic destruction, mandates—

Eight times the Liberals have insulted and name-called Canadians

“And Erin O’Toole, Trudeau's Globalist buddy is siding with them? Instead of with Canadians who did their part and stepped up.”

Biden Administration Lost Track of 5,000 Migrant Children, Possibly Sold into Child Sex Trafficking

The federal government has lost contact with around 5,000 out of 15,000 children who were released into the interior of the US between January and May.

11 Of The Combatant Commander Were Installed By The Patriots, We Are Here For...

 The [Ds] is now preparing for the fallout. It has been announced that the forensic audits are now going to be released sometime in September.

Kenny of Alberta might be forced into Mandatory Vaccines by Notley, by Keean Bexte

While the rest of the country has been wringing their hands over how they can further restrict freedoms, but recently, Alberta has generally stayed above the fray. 

Dual Citizenship Changing The Face Of Canadian Parliament, by Brad Saltzberg

Is the Canadian Parliament being guided toward a "progressive" status as a miniature United Nations?