Saving Canada: PPC Candidate Rob Anderson Speaks out Against Tyranny (Truth Warrior)
Starve the beast, stop giving your $ to walmart, make the switch!
Freedom vs. Tyranny. Mark Friesen – People’s Party of Canada – Aug. 31, 2021
3 Weeks To Flatten The Tyranny Mark Friesen is the PPC Candidate for Saskatoon-Grasswood
Message Sent & Received, Floor Is Yours, Stay Alert, Be Vigilant, No Escape, No...
The [DS] is panicking, [JB] is a disaster and they are now in the process of separating themselves from him.
The Canadian Government is bluffing you. Call their bluff. This is how.
The latest announcement of federally employee mandates, and federally regulated industries being mandated for vaccines
Dr. Carrie Madej Exposes Project Human 2.0
Rumble — Dr. Carrie Madej Exposes Project Human 2.0
Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction, by Jon Rappoport
Oooo. The Delta Variant. It’s everywhere.
Watch out. It’s under your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your toothbrush.
Some Canadians really, really, really hate Justin Trudeau
by Candace Malcolm
True North
August 31, 2021
The Trudeau government is the most divisive government in Canadian history – it’s no wonder so many Canadians are...
3rd shot ordered for Albertans, by Keean Bexte
by Keean Bexte
August 31, 2021
There is no end in sight, and the government will keep moving the goalposts until we die.
As of today, the...
They Are Being Forced Into The Light, It Had To Be This Way, In...
The [DS] is now being forced into the light, the plan has been accelerated and everyone can see it.
Conservative Minority Government Better for BC, by Harvey Oberfeld
British Columbians should learn from Quebeckers