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Trudeau Visits Cambridge, Ontario, Canada August 29th, 2021

It seems everywhere the pm visits, Canadians are not happy with Justin 

The Elite’s COVID-19 Operation Sent The War On Health Into Overdrive, by Jordan Sather

If the War on Drugs brought us more drugs and the War on Terror brought us more terror, maybe we should start a War on Natural Cures?

Statistics reveal virus is NOT the biggest killer

Is it time to stop obsessing over Covid figures? Statistics reveal virus is NOT the biggest killer with heart disease, dementia and cancer each claiming four times as many lives in an average week last month

47 Victims Rescued, 102 Arrested in Multi-State Human Trafficking Operation

A human trafficking operation joined by 12 states has rescued 47 victims and arrested 102 persons, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt announced on Friday.

Now Is The Time To Pursue Western Canadian Political Autonomy, by Brad Saltzberg

Within Western Canadian circles, talk of political independence, as well as separation from Eastern Canada, has been growing steadily over the past few years.

Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID

by Victorti Survive The News August 29, 2021 https://youtu.be/xkWOpFk1GGk (Natural News) The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, held a press conference this week announcing that the anti-parasite medicine...

We Might Be Close To A Breakthrough Moment

Something is about to happen...

Closure for those who resist?

The threat of a forced closure hangs over businesses that refuse to take part in B.C.'s vaccine passport program.

The ‘Anyone But Trudeau’ Election, by Spencer Fernando

The biggest danger for the Liberals, and the biggest sign of hope for Canadians who want Trudeau out of office, is that this election could become the Anyone But Trudeau election.