Don’t Talk TV Episode 51: Vaccine Passports – Coercive and Unconstitutional – Nicholas Wansbuttter...
It seems that one can't listen to or watch the news without hearing something about "vaccine passports"; this is really one of the stories of our lifetime. As a lawyer I can't not talk about this
Memo to Governor Ron DeSantis: this is how you win against the wolves, by...
As you well know, the wolves are out to get you.
They smell blood.
Brilliant! How Russians Crushed Moscow’s Vaccine Passports In Just 3 Weeks
What are we as free Americans to do about this? Well, we already have one good example of citizens defeating a tyrant mayor’s vaccine passports – in Russia, of all places.
Mark Friesen and his two minute drill… it’s history all Canadians should know!
Canadian Patriot Mark Friesen gives us a history lesson, which we should all know about.
Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated...
A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout.
Facts Matter (Aug. 21): NIH Director Admits School Mask Mandates Enforced on Children Are...
Meanwhile, four days ago, the director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) said during an interview that the reason kids are being forced to wear masks in school isn’t necessarily because they are in danger of infection, but rather so that the school districts don’t shut down classrooms.
Shadow Players Are The Deadliest [Stealth], Pain Coming, Magic Sword – X22 Report
The [DS] have now been put into position by the patriots. Devolution is activated, which means there are shadow players, they are stealth, pain coming.
Do Voters Want Trudeau’s Policy For One Million New Immigrants In 2022-2023? by Brad...
The Trudeau government has set an official number for immigration intake to Canada at 831,000 during the 2022-2023 period.
UPDATE: Only the Servants Wear Masks at Pelosi’s Chi-chi Napa Brunch (VIDEO)
Pelosi chichi held a high dollar fundraiser brunch in Napa Valley this weekend as tens of thousands of Americans were trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.
Dr. David E. Martin Drops Shocking Covid Info On Canadians!
Dr. David E. Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians, MUST ACT on NOW! Proof of Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.