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The Silent War – American Rift Widens over Vax & Communism, Cheney Out, Inflation...

In this episode of The Silent War: We explore the widening rift in American Culture and Politics

The Hammer Is Coming Down, At This Point They Have It All, They Caught...

The [DS] is in a deep panic, the hammer is about to come down and they are making preparation to make their move. T

Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts “Chicken” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Outside House Chamber, AOC Spox Calls for...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) confronted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Wednesday just outside the House chamber about AOC’s support for “terrorists and Antifa” and ducking a debate on her Green New Deal proposal.

Injustice: Trudeau Brands “Old Stock” Canadians Racist, Promotes Prejudice Against Anglophones, by Brad Saltzberg

Out of all the maddening activities of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the area of racial and ethnic community-related behaviours, one surely surpasses all.

Who Will Be Next, Watch NY, Patriots Planned & Set The Trap, Justice

Trump and the patriots setup the largest sting operation the world has ever seen, the [DS] is so arrogant they thought they beat Trump at this own game, this is what he was counting on.

Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money, by Jon Rappoport

For the past year, I’ve been demonstrating that every major scientific assertion about the so-called pandemic is a lie. This article is about something else.

According to the Western Australian Government, the COVID Vaccine Is a Poison

A document from the government of Western Australia refers to the COVID-19 vaccine as a poison.

[DS] Corrupt House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down, No Deals, No Place To Hide,...

The [DS] is continually pushing the big lie, they are panicking that the American people will see the truth.

“The Big Lie” update: Dr. Douglas Frank – “200,000 Phantom Ballots In Maricopa”, Report...

A lot of news out of Maricopa County, Arizona over the past several days that are a game changing.