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YouTube Removes 2nd Video of Rand Paul, Suspends Him for 7 Days Over Alleged...

“Leftwing cretins at Youtube banning me for seven days for a video that quotes two peer-reviewed articles saying cloth masks don’t work,” Paul wrote.

Just In: Senate PASSES Anti-CRT Bill in Razor Thin Vote; Dems Now on Record...

HUGE WIN: Anti-CRT legislation passed by Senate@TomCottonAR: "My amendment will ensure federal funds will not be used to indoctrinate kids, as young as pre-K, to hate America."

The Climate Change Propagandists Fail Us Yet Again, by Jordan Sather

https://rumble.com/embed/vid0cx/?pub=4 ► Podcasts https://www.jordansather.com/listen _______________________ ► Support https://www.jordansather.com/donate _______________________ ► snail mail PO Box 1247 Gig Harbor WA 98335      

Canadian Universities Promote Anti-Anglophone Critical Race Theory, by Brad Saltzberg

Originating in the mid-1970s, Critical Race Theory is liberal academic ideology which espouses that white supremacy “exists and maintains power through law.”

Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrants for 52 Absent Democrats

Earlier in the day, the Texas House of Representatives voted 80-12 to bring back the wayward Democrats

Bombshell: FDA knew all along there would be many COVID cases among the fully...

First of all, I have to re-emphasize a point I’ve made many times: SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve been proving that for over a year.

Watch NYC, Watch CA, The World Is Watching, Day ZERO – X22 Report

The [DS] is panicking. Andrew Cuomo has now resigned, this was the [DS] sacrificial lamb now they will move forward with the rest of their plan.

Cultural Impact Review of Tom MacDonald, an Artist Calling out Liberal Politics Hypocrisy –...

Not the person you'd expect to be a champion of conservative values - but never judge a book by its cover.

US Faces Intense Heat Wave as Wildfires Ravage West Coast

Forecasters are warning Americans to prepare for an intense heatwave this week