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Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “Big Lie”, We Caught Them All, We...

The people around the country are waking up and they are pushing back against the [DS] agenda.

Why The Conservative Party Will NEVER AGAIN Form A Government In Canada, by Brad...

Since Justin Trudeau became prime minister of in 2015,  democracy in Canada has been eaten away at like a beaver chews on a log.

Germany busts darknet child porn ‘Boystown’ site with 400,000 registered users

German prosecutors announced Monday they have busted one of the world's biggest international darknet platforms for child pornography, used by more than 400,000 registered members.

COVID: Vaccinated people shedding and spreading genetic disaster to unvaccinated women? by Jon Rappoport

MANY women are posting reports of disrupted and unusual menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, and miscarriages.

DIRTY VACCINES 101: Dangerous mRNA Covid inoculations explained in laymen’s terms for concerned people...

Vaccines are a very insidious way to attack humans and their immune systems because most people cannot even begin to understand the science behind the manufacturing of these biological warfare inoculations.

Totalitarian Madness Is Now Upon Us-Prepare For Extreme Tyranny, The Likes Of Which Have...

“Liberal institutions straightway cease being liberal the moment they are soundly established: Once this is attained, no more grievous and more thorough enemies of freedom exist than liberal institutions.”

Conspiracy Theory – W Jesse Ventura – BANNED Police State Episode! 2010

This episode shows the CONCENTRATION CAMP conspiracy and Police state agenda

Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Election Fraud Panic Intensifies...

The [DS]/MSM are panicking over the audit. They are planning to stop it, and if it cannot be stopped they will black out all communications, all assets will be deployed from allowing the public to know.

Maxime Bernier talks with Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Calgary

Pastor Pawlowski interviewed by Maxime

Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of The Country? The Silent Majority Will...

The [DS] is now becoming more desperate than ever before, but the patriots are continually dripping out information and the [DS]/MSM are scrambling to sweep it under the rug