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“Warmongering Fool” – Trump Responds to Liz Cheney After She Sides with Pelosi

Trump declared an all-out war on delusional RINO Liz Cheney after she sided with demon Pelosi

Canada Would Benefit From Having Maverick & PPC MPs In Parliament, by Spencer Fernando

Right now, Conservative voters are being treated as if they lack any leverage. That can change rapidly.

Panic Everywhere, America Deserves The Truth, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Summer

The patriots are in full control, the audit moves forward. The [DS] is trying everything to block the audit, if this fails they will try to block the audit information.

Epic Deception Being Exposed – Guest James Corbett

James Corbett from www.corbettreport.com joins us talk about the incredible level of deception we are witnessing from all of our institutions.

Anti-Racism Policy Sets Up Anglophone Canadians For Second Class Status, by Brad Saltzberg

As an initial roll-out, Canadian diplomats are now being trained according to the dictates of Critical Race Theory, a policy recently endorsed by the Trudeau government.

The Pandemic on Television, by Jon Rappoport

It should obvious to all but the most addled minds that television news anchors, their script writers, and editors never question the following (false) assertions:

[DS] Panic “Demean & Destroy Campaign” In Place, The People Have The True Power

 The [DS] is panicking, they are preparing a demean and destroy campaign to push against the audit.

Boom Medical Journals Corrupt To The Core!, by Amazing Polly

I discuss the horrifying reality behind "Scientific" Medical Journals using snippets from recent exposé by Off Guardian & a clip from Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt.

Light Will Destroy The Invisible Enemy, If One Falls They All Fall, Judgement Day

The is panicking, the audit in Arizona is continuing. But they will try to block the information from reaching the people. They already...

The Gestapo came again attacking the Church! (Video)

Nazis knock on Church doors again ...