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Government, Media Promoting Feminization of Male Canadians, by Brad Saltzberg

CBC Corporation receives approximately 1.2 Billion dollars of tax-payer dollars per year from the Liberal Government of Canada. Thus, it is fair to state that the influence of government upon the CBC is profound.

It’s All Playing Out: Taking a Closer Look at a “Leaked” Email from the...

https://youtu.be/E0HB4BVQeBI Shining Light On A Dark Plan      

David Garofalo – Fiat Day Of Reckoning Coming, New Currency System Built By The...

David Garofalo has 30 years in mining. As CEO of Gold Royalty,  David discusses how gold is the barometer of fiat currency.

Biden regime preparing for “hand-to-hand combat” phase to coerce citizens into surrendering to dangerous...

Despite all the high-pressure sales tactics and tyrannical lock down policies, only one in five Americans have lined up for the covid-19 jabs, on average.

[DS] Panic, A Deep Dark World Is Being Exposed, The Truth Won’t Be For...

It has begun, the AZ audit is underway.

Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia Blows Whistle – Vaccine Wreaks Havoc (Video)

Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia tells how the Moderna "vaccine" has decimated the health of his small town, after they had no trouble naturally fending off Covid last year.

Trudeau Uses Black Lives Matter Tactics To Demonize White Canadians, by Brad Saltzberg

The Canadian government– Global Affairs Canada in particular– are today perpetuating Black Lives Matter-inspired racism against white Canadians.

Message Sent & Received, This Will Never Happen Again, The People Are Taking Back...

The patriots are now leading the [DS] down the path. The people are waking up in droves. People are not getting the vaccine like the elite thought they would.

Absolute Interference – The sequel to Absolute Proof – BOMBSHELL evidence of 2020 election...

Absolute Interference – The sequel to Absolute Proof with new evidence of foreign and domestic enemies attack and theft 2020 U.S. Presuidential Election

Boris Johnson reveals secret of his hair and the future, by Jon Rappoport

  by Jon Rappoport No More Fake News April 22, 2021 (To join our email list, click here.) BBX reporter Baldy Maxwell caught up with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson...