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Spike proteins in Pfizer, Moderna Covid-19 vaccines linked to deadly blood clots, brain inflammation...

The media is giving considerable airtime to the deadly blood clot issue with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J), both of which are manufactured using adenovirus technology

Italian Lawmaker Calls for Arrest of Creepy Bill Gates and Charges of “Crimes Against...

An Italian MP has called for billionaire Bill Gates to face trial in the International Criminal Court for charges of “crimes against humanity.”

SHOCKING – UK Gov. release 11th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines...

What we’re about to reveal from the data shown in the 11th report is astounding, disturbing and extremely concerning

Dr. Shiva – Fascism Confirmed, The Government Is Working With The Corporations, People Must...

Dr. Shiva in his lawsuit discovered that the corporations and government are working together, fascism is real and it is happening right in front of our eyes.

[DS] System Exposed To All, Flynn: Michigan And Arizona Audits Tactically

The people can now see the [DS] system, who is involved and what lengths they will go to reach their goal.

Wake Up! CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG

CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG

Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry from BC Physician re: Moderna Vaccine Reactions

The first dose of the Moderna vaccine has now been administered to some of my patients in the community of Lytton, BC. This began with the First Nations members of our community in mid-January, 2021. 900 doses have now been administered.

Argument for Alberta Independence, Peter Downing

Why don’t Canadian Police Officers swear to uphold the Constitution?

People Are Approaching The Precipice, Once Completed, Nothing Can Stop This

People in the swing states are blaming [JB] for the border crisis, laws were changed in these states.