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Canadian Churches Forced Underground Echoes China’s Persecution of Christians

A church in Canada has been forced to hold an “underground” service after authorities barricaded its facilities outside of Edmonton, Alberta.

Charlene & Ty – The Establishment Has Been Holding Back Cures For Cancer

Charlene & Ty - The Establishment Has Been Holding Back Cures For Cancer

An American city is burning on television, by Jon Rappoport

In the city of Poreattle, it was all police lieutenant Eddie Lace’s fault. He dreamed up the scheme during the third straight night of riots, in which two citizens were shot and killed, four cops seriously injured, and more than dozen stores torched and burned to the ground.

Strength In Numbers, The Power Of The People, Trump Sends Message, Plus, Plus,

The [DS] is now losing it's power. The people are now flexing their muscles, there is strength in numbers, the power of the people are returning.

COVID-19 Dress Rehearsals and Proof of the Plan – This is a MUST Watch!!!

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav warns that the global response to COVID-19 mirrors the tactics employed in Nazi Germany to segregate Jews and other undesirables, with the intent to commit mass genocide

The World Is Watching, The World Is Here, Specific Timing Left Up To Trump

Trump is now exposing the entire [DS] apparatus, the establishment is now coming out of the shadows and speaking out for all to see. Trump planned this from the beginning, he knew that the people would fight back in the end once they reach the precipice.

BOMBSHELL: ‘Voter Fraud Expert’ Says He Was Bribed $10 MILLION To Stay Quiet About...

I am joined by a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is a world renowned entrepreneur, inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT. Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on technology used by billions of people around the world.

Same Script, Same Tactics, Same Players – 10 years prior they tried the same...

Same Script, Same Tactics, Same Players - 10 years prior they tried the same but failed

Memo to Governors: Free states vs. Slave states, Jon Rappoport

Some states are loosening the COVID restrictions; others are tightening them