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Portland Police Declare Riot As Protesters Vow To Burn Precinct Down, Lob Debris At...

Predictably, the rioters in Portland, Oregon, took to the streets in an attempt to match their counterparts in Brooklyn Center, MN.

The Plan Was Told To The People, Consipiracy No More, Checkmate

The patriots told us the plan from the beginning. This is about exposing the [DS] system, showing it to the world

Your Last Chance To Share What We All Know! It’s In Your Hands Now!...

The People demanded a vaccine because the MSM lied and scared the crap out of the People

Watch Dr. Naomi Wolf Discuss “Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever”

Dr Naomi Wolf Discusses "Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever"

Alberta, Canada: Pastor Speaks Out Against Government Seizing Church and Shutting It Down

Edmonton, Alberta: James Coates, the pastor of GraceLife Church, spent 35 days in jail for refusing to reduce the size of his services and turn away 85% of his flock, forcing them to distance, wear masks and avoid singing.

Scavino, Message Sent And Received, Stay The Course, Think Irregular War Strategy

Everything is going as planned, this is about exposed the country to what dictatorship looks like.

“A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He...

Attorney Sidney Powell joined radio host Rose Tennent to discuss her ongoing efforts to expose the fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Obama Made Millions off the Presidency, Donald Trump Lost More Than $1.1 Billion

Years after leftist media outlets attempted to paint former President Donald Trump as an evil, greedy menace, the exact opposite has recently been revealed.

Canadian Media Covering Up Health Risks Of Transgender Surgery And Hormone Therapy, by Brad...

Government and media function as a tag-team for a cover-up of the health risks and negative repercussions regarding sex change surgery in Canada

Exposed: Justin Trudeau’s Abusive Relationship With Anglophone Canada, by Brad Saltzberg

For 50 years media have hidden away the negative impact of multiculturalism upon Anglophone Canada...why do they do this?