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The COVID Cancel Culture Quiz Show, by Jon Rappoport

Hi, everybody. I’m Bob Torquemada, host of the new COVID Cancel Culture Quiz Show. And here’s our first contestant tonight, Mike, a gym owner from New Jersey. Are you ready to play our game, Mike?

The Flu Season That Never Was: COVID-19 Pandemic Keeps Other Viruses at Bay

In early November, Tam was cautiously optimistic, as flu season hadn’t yet started. Five months later, it still hasn’t.

It’s All About To Come Into Focus, Optics, The Ending Will Not Be For...

Trump and the patriots have setup the [DS] from the beginning, the entire plan is now coming into focus.

Why Media BURY The Dark Side Of “Transgender Day Of Visibility”

"Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This day highlights our friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours who contribute uniquely to the diversity in Canada.

Dave Hayes – Durham Is Not A Shiny Object, Trump Will Make A Move...

Dave Hayes has written two books about Q. The Calm Before The Storm and his newest book The Great Awakening.

Devil’s deputy talks with Klaus Schwab, by Jon Rappoport

Hi, Klaus. Satan asked me to drop by and have a chat with you.

Trump Revealed Part Of The Plan, Hope, The Best Is Yet To Come

The [CB] is now moving forward with their great reset, JY says climate change poses a tremendous risk to the country's stability. 

Vaccine Passports – what it’s really about – Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen

Vaccine passports, freedom passports, excelsior pass, green passport: Are they for fighting covid, or are they really designed to take away your privacy and freedom?

Arizona Senate hires auditor to review 2020 election in Maricopa County

Arizona Senate leadership today announced it has hired a team of independent auditors to complete a comprehensive, full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, including a hand recount of all ballots.

BREAKING: President Trump Announces He’s Thinking About Holding a Rally Soon “To Let Everybody...

In an interview with his daughter-in-law Lara Trump President Trump announced he was thinking about holding a rally soon.