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Lin Wood Backs Whistleblower, Addresses Deep State Attacks, Election, Trump, Jabs and More…

EXCLUSIVE! Lin Wood sits down with Stew Peters for an exclusive 'after hours' candid discussion where he defends whistleblower Dr. John McGreevey.

Rand Paul Just Fit Fauci For An Orange Jumpsuit…

Rumble — Rand Paul Just Fit Fauci For An Orange Jumpsuit

[CB] Wants All Alternative Currencies Controlled, Panic

The [CB]/[JB] are now having trouble dealing withe the economy, they are on the defensive because the people are experiencing something very different than what is being said.

Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company

A consortium backed by George Soros and Bill Gates has joined a buyout of Mologic, a COVID-19 testing company.

Trudeau Says 3rd World Immigrants “More Canadian” Than The Rest Of Us, by Brad...

Justin Trudeau has transitioned Canadians of European origin into a silent majority-- in advance of our future status as a silent minority.   by Brad Saltzberg July...

Freedom Rally in Victoria last night with Maxime Bernier, Mark Friesen of the PPC

Yesterday, the Freedom Rally with Peoples Party leader Maxime Bernier and PPC candidate Mark Friesen were in Victoria yesterday afternoon at Centennial Sq (City Hall)

[DS] Trapped, All Assets Deployed, We Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard

The [DS] is now trapped, they took the bait, and the patriots have been leading them down their path. Now the world is going to see how they manipulate the system to put the people they want into elected office

EXPLOSIVE – WE CAUGHT THEM: Audit Documents Were Created Last Week for Georgia Election...

In January we determined that the firms selected by Maricopa County in Arizona to perform audits of the 2020 Election were not certified when they were selected by the county as had been claimed.

MP Derek Sloan suspended from Twitter, by Keean Bexte…

Sloan tweeted about the United Kingdom's fairly level headed decision to not have a max vaccination program for kids. Twitter didn't like that

Islamophobia Summit Calls For Transformation Of Canada’s Legal System, by Brad Saltzberg

The greatest threat to democratic tradition is found when the will of government and the will of the majority are diametrically opposed.