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Public Health Mafia Eliminating Opposition? Magufuli Is Not The First! – Amazing Polly

Tanzania's president John Magufuli was a hero to his people. He stood up to the Global Health Cabal and now he's dead at 61

What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guard, Clock Activated

The [DS]/Ds are now destroying themselves with everything they are doing. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard, more to come

Meet the New President of the United States…Barack Obama, by Wayne Root

I’ve written thousands of columns and commentaries. This is the most important I’ve ever written.

President Trump Says Republicans “Need Better Leadership than Mitch McConnell”

Trump told Lisa Boothe the Democrats would never have let what happened in the 2020 election, happen to their candidate. He’s right.

Iranian Immigrant Professor Brands Government of Quebec White Supremacist, by Brad Salzberg

 Professor Attaran has claimed the province of Quebec is led by “a white supremacist government.”

Self Destruction Will Immediately Show The World The Truth, It Had To Happen

The [DS]/Ds are now in self destruct mode. Trump has now set everything up and the the MSM/Ds are self destructing over their policies.

Vaccine passports to become MANDATORY in USA as prelude to mass extermination event

So far, upwards of 60 million Americans have already taken the leap and been vaccinated with the Covid-19 series of dirty, synthetic DNA jabs that contain experimental and deadly mRNA.

Canadian Government Built On “Systemic Racism, Colonialism, Discrimination” Says Trudeau

Brad Salzberg Mar 22 Canadian patriots--Cultural Action Party included -- really have to rack their brains to understand the following political dynamic: How is it that a Prime Minister who...

Rex Murphy: Can Justin Trudeau ever say anything good about Canada?

Judging from his comments following Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah, Canadians should feel shame, not pride, in their Parliament

ONLY Action, Not Words, will STOP China’s Bullying, Aggression, Genocide, by Harvey Oberfeld

The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was refreshingly blunt. At a face to face Alaska meeting with Chinese officials Friday, he denounced China’s attack on democracy in Hong Kong, China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang, China’s aggressive threats towards Taiwan, China’s expansionist provocations in the South China Sea and China’s concerted cyberattacks against the West.