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ONLY Action, Not Words, will STOP China’s Bullying, Aggression, Genocide, by Harvey Oberfeld

The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was refreshingly blunt. At a face to face Alaska meeting with Chinese officials Friday, he denounced China’s attack on democracy in Hong Kong, China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang, China’s aggressive threats towards Taiwan, China’s expansionist provocations in the South China Sea and China’s concerted cyberattacks against the West.

March Madness, Public Will Know Soon, When Does A Bird Sing?

The patriots have but Biden on display for the world to see, we are now witnessing March madness.

The Matrix Revealed: The trick behind Occult systems, by Jon Rappoport

It should be obvious to readers who’ve been with me for a while that I attack delusion in more than one place. Political systems, medical systems…and so-called spiritual systems.

Attorney Lin Wood releases bombshell interview with former operative who is blowing the whistle...

Once upon a time, ace investigative journalist Sheryl Attkisson broke massive stories for CBS News and was considered one of the best in her business at doing so.

Exit From The Matrix: The Individual returns to his creative fire, by Jon Rappoport

Through my articles and my Matrix collections, I have one goal: bringing individuals back to their very capable minds, back to their own formidable power, their own imagination, their own creative force, their own deep desires and purposes.

Watch The Water, Boomerang, Epstein, Story Goes Much Deeper

The patriots are now exposing the [DS] to all the people. As each day passes more information is coming out and it is boomeranging on them.

HUGE BREAKING: Feeble Joe Biden Falls Several Times Boarding Air Force One – Ends...

78-year-old Joe Biden fell several times while boarding Air Force One on Friday.

Religion In Canada: The Pandemic’s Exclusive Attack On The Canadian Church

Within pandemic-saturated Canada, it seems not a day passes by without a combined government and media peculiarity bubbling to the surface of society.

Hollywood movies featuring “deadly viruses” on the loose, by Jon Rappoport

Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.

Gold, Silver, Will Bitcoin Blow Up? Jim Willie on the Goddard Report

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