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We Have Reached Cruising Altitude A While Ago, Prepare For Landing

 The avalanche has begun rolling down the hill. Trump and the patriots wanted [JB], they knew it that those controlling [JB] would push their agenda at lightning speed

Paramedics by BCMQ

We hear a lot about Ambulance and Paramedic staffing shortages, delays in service, dangerous situations, etc., almost hourly, yet I have not heard one question from media asking the Health Minister, the Union, or anyone else of authority the following question or two .

Texas Mayor Sounds Alarm on Border Crisis: Illegals Are Robbing Houses, Getting Into Car...

A Texas mayor said the Biden administration’s border crisis has metastasized to such an alarming level that it’s unleashing a tsunami of criminal activity, including home robberies and car thefts.

Sidney Powell says Kelly Loeffler’s staffer who died in car crash was murdered

Back in December, Harrison Deal, a young staffer who worked for former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, died in what the mainstream media described as “a car crash.” According to attorney Sidney Powell, though, Deal was actually murdered.

First Arrest Will Verify Action & Confirm Future Direction, Durham, [DS] will Fight Back

The [DS]/MSM are panicking, they cannot keep control of the narrative. The people are waking up and asking questions and now the MSM is forced to admit what is going on and the Biden admin is now trapped

BREAKING: Pastor James Coates to be RELEASED

Pastor James Coates of Edmonton's GraceLife Church is set to be released in the next few days after Crown prosecutors have agreed to withdraw all but one of his charges related to keeping his church open during the province's COVID lockdown.

Former Mechanic Creates Entirely New Social Media Platforms After His Wife Was Banned From...

Founder and CEO Dave Lipsky didn’t just complain when his wife Kacey was censored — he created alternatives to Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, GoFundMe, and more.

Absolute proof the Biden “presidency” is FAKED… new video shows green screen compositing “error”...

Since January 20th, we’ve known the Biden “presidency” has been completely faked, but we haven’t had smoking gun proof of the fakery… until now.

Dr. Fauci: a conversation in Hell, by Jon Rappoport

Anthony Fauci steps off a small boat floating in a river at the bottom of a great cavern.

Transparency Brings Accountability, Freedom Thrives In The Light – X22 Report

The patriots are preparing to make their move. The trigger is about to be pulled. The only way forward is transparency, freedom thrives in the light. The power of the law is now being pushed from the bottom up.