Trudeau Sends Billions in Foreign Aid To IMF, World Bank, African Development Bank, by...
In 2020, the Trudeau government increased Canada’s official foreign development assistance by 7.7 per cent over the previous year
Fauci Now Admits His Mask Wearing Was Political Theater, A Position He Previously Denied...
Any American with a hint of capability to sniff out a fraud spotted the hallmark traits of a horsepucky speaker within a few minutes of listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
It Had To Be This Way, The People Must Be Shown The Truth &...
The audits are now posing a problem for the . They are worried that once the truth comes out it will expose the crime,...
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Soros-Backed Sheriff Beg AZ Senate to End Election...
Yesterday the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) held a press conference where they attempted to gain public support to end the Arizona Senate’s audit of the County’s 2020 Election results.
Researchers find 1,000 different proteins in AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine linked to deadly blood clots
Covid vaccines kill, but the establishment still wants you injected
Systemic Self-Loathing: The Purpose Of Government’s Agenda Of Canadian Self-Hatred, by Brad Saltzberg
Out of many curiosities running rampant within contemporary Canada, the concept of “Canadian self-hatred” qualifies as the most unusual, as well as most unnatural.
COVID vaccine and genetic thunder nobody is listening to, by Jon Rappoport
We’re told that the RNA COVID vaccines force the cells of the body to produce a foreign “spike” protein.
Nothing Can Stop The Storm, The People Have A Front Row Seat To The...
The [DS]/MSM is now losing, the public is now seeing the truth, the people have a front row seat to it all.
The top 10 most QUESTIONABLE INGREDIENTS purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines
Today’s vaccines are “dirty” for more than a few reasons, and in many different ways.
Health rights advocate vows to fight against discrimination of Canadians who go without COVID-19...
A natural health rights advocate fears that Canadians who are not vaccinated for COVID-19 will be treated as social outcasts.