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John Durham steps down as U.S. attorney but will remain in charge of Russia...

John Durham, a decorated career prosecutor, announced Friday he is stepping down at the end of the month as a U.S. attorney in Connecticut but will continue as special prosecutor investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe that dogged the early Trump presidency.

“Run, Ric, Run!” – Richard Grenell Teases California Governor Run

With the recall of Gavin Newsom, Rick Grenell may toss his hat in the ring!!!

Redpill 78: Durham Will Soon Come Into Focus, The Military Is The Only Wway...

Redpill78 begins with the Supreme Court ruling on the election cases. We have always known that the military was the only way forward.

Mark Meadows: Trump is ‘Planning Next Administration’ (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has announced that they are “planning for the next administration.”

WATCH: CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronted at CPAC — ‘Cuomo Killed 10,000 People and You...

CNN’s activist “reporter” Jim Acosta was confronted at CPAC about the network’s lack of coverage about Andrew Cuomo’s scandals.

[DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play – X22...

The [CB]/MSM have already failed in their mission. Everything we see playing out now is to bring the people back in power.

Biden and Jen Psaki are branded hypocrites after their old tweets slamming Trump’s Middle...

Joe Biden and his press chief have been accused of hypocrisy after old tweets slamming the Trump administration's Middle East air strikes resurfaced following last night's bombing raid on Syria.

Defeating COVID Test Fraud: Memo to Lawyers and Clients, by Jon Rappoport

When the test is run at 35 cycles or higher, the result is meaningless

German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus

Patrick Bet-David has a virtual sit down with consumer protection trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich to talk about the Coronavirus and his work on the German Corona investigation committee.

The Narrative Begins, Football Tracked, 25th Amendment Now Being Pushed, Like Clockwork – X22...

The [DS]/MSM is making Trump more and more powerful with the people. Everything they have tried is not backfiring