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Ginny Silcox joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss Dangers with 5g and EMF…

In this interview on The Silent War, Ginny Silcox rejoins us to discuss the present world reality of EMF, Smart Meters, Wifi, Cell Phones, 5g, medical environment radiation saturation, and how the C19 vaccine will be greatly made WORSE by these EMF fields.

One Third of US Troops Are Rejecting Covid RNA Vaccine

Reports of Covid-19 are decreasing

The NY Times recalls an outbreak of PCR lies, by Jon Rappoport

The war against humanity relies on this test. If the test falls, the whole official COVID narrative dissolves in front of our eyes.

What Left-Wing Educators Don’t Teach During ‘Black History Month’

When will Black History Month be ... history?

Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home...

The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA inoculations.

Are We Playing Right Into Their Plan? (Photo: Saul Alinsky)

Are We Playing Right Into Their Plan?

Alberta Premier asked to release jailed pastor, end religious persecution (Update) Video Added!

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today asked Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to rescind the health orders of the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, which unfairly discriminate as between restaurants and houses of worship.

Yes, the NY Times exposed the PCR test, by Jon Rappoport

As I’ve been telling readers for many months, even if you assume SARS-CoV-2 is real, the test is useful, and the case and death numbers are meaningful, there are vast and crippling internal contradictions within the official portrait of COVID-19.

The Pandemic Was The Cover, Mi & No Such Agency Are The Key, Potus...

The patriots are in complete control. Trump used the pandemic as cover to put everything in place.

Us Deplorables Remembers…

For those who don't remember Hilary Clinton calling Trump supporters DEPLORABLE