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The [CB] Invisible Enemy Believe They Won, Their Guard Is Down – X22 Report...

The [CB]/[DS] are moving forward with their plan to reverse everything Trump put into place. They need to bring the economy back to the level of the rest of the world.

Trump Ode To The Corporation! The Marshall Report

D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.

Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone –...

The [DS]/MSM have now completed the crime, JB was inaugurated he took a private jet to DC. JB is now the illegitimate president of the US.

Lockdown extremism: an obsession for the insane and the fascists, by Jon Rappoport

As my readers know, I’ve spent the last year refuting every so-called COVID fact promoted by public health officials—including the false notion that SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist

Writers, of all people, are now censors, by Jon Rappoport

They should never call themselves writers again

California Halts Use of Moderna Covid Vaccine Batch Due to ‘Higher-Than-Usual Number of Adverse...

Information from the vaccine injury reporting system of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates the first dose alone of the experimental coronavirus vaccines is causing many times more adverse reactions than flu shots cause.

BREAKING: President Trump Formally Declassifies Large Trove of Russiagate Documents Over Objections From FBI...

According to investigative reporter John Solomon, the binder is about a foot tall.

How Government & Media Use Racism As A Political Weapon In Canada

Who knew that a donation of $133.00 dollars to a Conservative Party MP would create so much consternation within the realm of Canadian federal politics?

The Cure Will Spread WW, Timing Is Everything, Judgement Day – X22 Report (Tuesday)

The [DS]/MSM believe they are in control, optics are important. The patriots are ready to spread the cure WW, judgement day is coming and nothing can stop this, nothing.

Why the Left Has To Suppress Free Speech, by Dennis Prager

By Dennis Prager Published Jan. 19, 2021 Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in...