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Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in

Human psychodrama on the world stage: Power Outside the Matrix, by Jon Rappoport

As the drama called Human Life on Planet Earth advances in the 21st century, we are seeing an escalation of lower-brain emotional responses to events. And this is according to plan.

CNN reports at least 140 Republicans will object to Biden confirmation

Two Republican members of the house told CNN host Jake Tapper that they expect at least 140 Republicans to object to the vote.

‘Massive Amounts of Evidence Will Be Presented’ on Jan. 6: Trump

President Donald Trump announced that evidence of alleged election fraud will be presented on Jan. 6 during the Joint Session of Congress.

Jordan Sather – What We Are Witnessing Is The Largest Sting Operation, The [DS]...

Jordan is the owner and creator of jordansather.com. Jordan begins by talking about how this pandemic is one big scamdemic and Trump is using the vaccines to remove the fear and counter the MSM/[DS] push of keeping the country locked down

The Plot to Steal America

2020 has been a year like no other... everything we know, everything we trust, and everything we come to rely on has changed.

Why do hypocritical officials violate their own COVID rules? by Jon Rappaport

The latest example of hypocrisy is Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus advisor. It turns out she traveled to meet her family for Thanksgiving after telling Americans not to travel, not to gather with family outside their immediate households.

Fraud Exposed, Message Received, They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street

The [DS]/MSM fell right into the patriots trap. They patriots have been planning this for a long time.

Report: At Least 140 Republican House Members Expected to Challenge Biden Electors

Republicans will hold 211 House seats in the 117th Congress next week with Democrats holding 222.

Fight For Trump! Epic War Room Speech By Steve Bannon…

Saw this on TheDonald.win after the election. Truly epic!