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Pelosi Defends Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Scandal – Then Deflects by Saying QAnon is a...

GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy this week said Democrat Rep Eric Swalwell should be removed from the House Intel Committee and ultimately removed from Congress over his ties to Chinese Communist spy and honeypot Fang Fang.

COVID vaccine—history matters, Jon Rappoport

Now that governments are going to roll out “a vaccine to save the world”, people should become aware of a history they don’t know exists.

Central Communications Blackout, [ZERO-DAY], Rig For Red, Countermeasures In Place

The [DS]/[MSM/SM] are panicking, they are now moving to full censorship. All assets are deployed.

Allen West: Seven States Will Join Texas in SCOTUS Lawsuit Against Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin...

Col. Allen West joined Steve Bannon Tuesday evening on The War Room.   Allen West, the Republican Party Texas state leader, went on to discuss today’s Texas lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania at the Supreme Court.

Dirty Judge Sullivan Finally Dismisses Case Against General Flynn Following Trump Pardon

Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan finally dismissed the criminal case against General Flynn following President Trump’s pardon.

Boom: Florida forcing labs to report number of PCR test cycles—game changer – Jon...

As even Tony Fauci has asserted, tests run at 35 cycles or above are useless. [1] [2] They’re also misleading. The results tend to be positive, meaning the patient is “infected with the virus.” But this is false.

The Case Has Been Made, Big Things About To Happen, The Tide Is Turning...

The [DS]/[CB] are moving forward right into the trap. The [DS]/MSM have deployed all assets, Jan is going to be rough month. T

Power Outside The Matrix: Cult of the reality builders, by Jon Rappoport

The cult of the reality builders has been alive and well since the beginning of history on planet Earth.

BC Government’s Mixed Messages Helping Spread Covid, by Harvey Oberfeld

Tens of thousands of British Columbians are out of jobs or getting only reduced work hours or have had their businesses shut down or so severely restricted, they are facing obliteration …or have already failed.

Philadelphia Priest Dies After Participating In Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial

As millions of elderly Americans prepare to take COVID-19 vaccines that, according to numerous reports, can elicit some pretty serious post-2nd dose side-effects for a day or so, LifeSiteNews has reported that a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest died at his PA home after participating in Moderna's vaccine trial.