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[DS] Is A System, That System Is Our Enemy, Nobody Can Be Told What...

The [DS]/MSM are now in the process of convincing the American people that [JB] has one the election. The art of war, the [DS] is a system, the system is our enemy, people cannot be told what it is, they must see it.

The Sting Operation Has Begun, Trump Knew, Be Ready, EAS ON DECK –...

Trump has been blocked many times on social media and now there are calls to ban him, EAS is now on deck

Coup d’etat, Trump Sets Trap To Expose It All, Patriots Know The Playbook –...

The [DS]/MSM did exactly what the patriots thought they were going to do. The saw the landslide, the red wave and had to shut it down before it took effect. The [DS]/MSM have just outed themselves.

‘Nobody’s going to tell me that I have to’: Anti-masker claims Sask.’s new mask...

Mark Friesen said he won’t be wearing a mask on Friday when mandatory masking comes into effect in Saskatchewan.

What You Are Witnessing Is A Birth Of A New Nation, Iindictments Coming –...

The [DS]/MSM are now making plans for after the elections, they already know they lost, this is a landslide like we have never seen before. The people are awake, they want something different, they do not want the [DS] plan.

Are Masks and Lockdowns Bad For Your Health? – Open Letter to Dr. Henry...

Low oxygen levels can cause major health, psychological problems.

[DS] Planning The Red Mirage, Patriots Know The Playbook, Countermeasures In Place – Tuesday...

The [DS]/MSM are now planning the red mirage operation. They will not concede the election. Their plan is to drag it out as along as possible, create chaos and push their agenda.

[DS] Planning The Red Mirage, Patriots Know The Playbook, Countermeasures In Place – X22...

The [DS]/MSM are now planning the red mirage operation. They will not concede the election.

CDC plans COVID concentration camps, by Jon Rappoport

“The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (‘high-risk’) and the general population (‘low-risk’).

Remember, Remember The 3rd Of November, Are You Ready To Take Back The Country...

The [DS]/MSM have lost and they are now planning their revenge, this is not on Trump but on the people. The silent majority is no longer silent and the MSM/[DS] talking points no longer work.