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COVID: the invention of false reality, the hypnotic persuader, by Jon Rappoport

Recently, I’ve been writing about my early research on AIDS and the lessons learned in the 1980s.

Portland: BLM Antifa Beat Man Unconscious

Adam Haner was severely beaten by Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters and was knocked unconscious by a kick to the head.

The US Economy Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [CB] Panic –

The patriots trapped the [DS]/MSM once again, the plan was constructed to move the players to where the patriots want them to be. The elections are very important, the [DS] has tried everything and their last attempt is to get mail-in voting, Trump is getting ready to release the winning move.

Did China Just Try to Assassinate Trump – Military style “probing” being used to...

Another potential assassination attempt as well as we have the USPS in the news in a big way. 

Fact Check: Obama-Biden Removed At Least 14,000 Mailboxes

Democrats are trying to claim that President Trump is crippling the U.S. Postal Service because he opposes universal vote by mail, and that the removal of mailboxes in several locations throughout the country is evidence of that evil intention

Why you shouldn’t believe anything the government says about vaccines and viruses, by Jon...

In this article, I’m putting together several pieces I wrote in years past, to reveal scandals on a scale most people have never considered.

[CB] Fighting To Stay Alive, Trump Ready To Shift Oil Production – Another Piece...

The economy is moving in the direction the patriots want it to move, gold and silver start moving up again.

Ontario PC Party Waging Silent War On Belinda Karahalios’ Riding Association

Our Association’s prior president resigned as a result of threats, bullying, and intimidation tactics, made against him by a senior staffer of the Ontario PC Party – Director of Organization, Gareth Neilson

Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Accused of Assaulting Primary Opponent’s 16-Year-Old Volunteer During Early...

For those who want context: Debbie physically shoved one of my volunteers handing out palm cards & then verbally accosted her for calling out her record on the environment.

Is The Covid Narrative Falling Apart?

They want us scared. But I think their narrative is falling apart. Here's the Simple Truth.