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Trump goes one-on-one with Lou Dobbs – Trump suggests DOJ has found ‘breathtaking’ evidence...

President also says relations with China 'been hurt very badly' by coronavirus.

The Battle for the Republic Continues… 2020 is WINNER Take ALL – Dustin Nemos

The battle for the American Republic continues. It seems we are moving right through a second American Civil War and Revolution at the same time.

Another EO Signed To Help The Economy, An Economy Without A [CB] Will Shine...

The [DS]/MSM are falling right into the trap the patriots have set

Covid – End of the World” Dem Hoax falling apart… – Dustin Nemos

This is your look into the silent war going on behind the scenes.

CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career: Jon Rappoport

by Jon Rappoport No More Fake News August 5, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) Long before Robert Redfield ascended to the CDC directorship, and also assumed...

Our Awakening Stories #1, by Amazing Polly

Real Life awakening testimonies always make me feel good. In this audio upload I read 5 letters from people in Europe & North America about how it is that they "woke up" or 'red pilled'.

CBC BUSTED: Panelist who defended WE Charity was paid $40,000 by Trudeau government

CBC commentator and president of Pomp & Circumstance PR, Amanda Alvaro failed to disclose to the public broadcaster that her company received $16,950 from the Department of Foreign Affairs

Action Taken, Taxes Are Now Targeted, Pushing The [CB] To Insolvency – Storm Right...

The economy is picking up, new vehicle sales are continually rebounding. Trump administration is now in the process of bringing back manufacturing to the US.

Perspectives on the Pandemic – Robert Kennedy Jr. & Judy Mikovits

Perspectives on the Pandemic interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits on April 16th, 2020, and again on May 15th.