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It Has Begun, The Unexpected Has Happened, The Best Is Yet To Come –...

The economy just bounced back. The pent up demand has now dropped the unemployment rate down to 13%

Will Violence And Looting Accomplish Anything?

Former police officer and security expert Leo Knight joins The Candice Malcolm Show to discuss the anti-racism protests that have often turned into violent riots which are spreading across the US and in some parts of Canada

COVID-19: a movie on the screen of life, by Jon Rappoport

The report states quite definitely that the whole threat has been overblown. It was a “false alarm.”

Audit of $187B Liberal infrastructure spending: 20,000 MISSING projects

Catherine McKenna is unable or unwilling to produce evidence of over 20,000 projects funded by the Federal Government through the Infrastructure Ministry

Trump Is Ready To Add The Next Piece To The Economic Puzzle –

The economy is moving forward, we see businesses opening, we see real estate picking up, we see the economy coming alive again

Exclusive: Navy Seal And Missouri Governor Who Faced Down Antifa Cleared

When ANTIFA and other radical groups threatened to destroy St. Louis, Missouri, in 2017, then-Governor Eric Greitens, a former Navy SEAL officer, stepped in and with frontline leadership defeated them.

Qanon June 3, 2020 – All Systems Go – Dave Hayes aka Praying Medic

After more than a week of nationwide rioting, Q says all systems are go for the military to restore peace

AG Barr: We Have Evidence Antifa Participating in Violent Activity (VIDEO)

US Attorney General Bill Barr delivered remarks on the protests, looting and rioting taking place across the nation