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PURE EVIL: Police Chief Breaks Down After Describing How Richmond Leftist Rioters Torched Home...

By Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit June 2, 2020 The chief of the Richmond, Virginia, police department told reporters Sunday that Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters set...

Bricks Randomly showing up at Protests across the U.S.

Pallets of bricks are randomly showing up at George Floyd protests across the US. This was at Dallas, TX Fayetteville, NC and Manhattan, NY

Qanon June 1, 2020 – Do You See What Is Happening? Dave Hayes aka...

Q reminds us that powerful elites who want to regain power are using people as pawns.

WATCH: Dr. Tam says go out and protest, just don’t yell

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam told the public that outdoor protests had a much lower risk of transmitting infection than closed and confined spaces, but there's a catch: if you're going to protest, don't yell.

Sometimes You Need To Show The People, [CB] Do Not Work –

https://youtu.be/zvuZkqdwI0M X22Report 764K subscribers Report date: 06.01.2020 The people have woken up, the people are calling on their governors and mayors to open up their state. The patriots...

OANN Reporter Chanel Rion to Kayleigh McEnany: Will Trump Administration Investigate Members of Congress...

White House Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany held a presser on Monday afternoon following the violence and looting by leftist groups in cities across the country this past weekend.

Qanon May 31, 2020 – Stay Strong. Stay Together – Dave Hayes, aka Praying...

Q reminds us that corrupt people want us divided but our strength comes from unity.

The Liberal Party Of Blackface Is Now Lecturing Canadians On Racism

The Liberals should stay out of this one.

Contact tracing in the circus of robots, by Jon Rappoport

“Hi Hank. So glad your deli is finally open. I’ll have the Fauci baloney on rye with apocalypse sauce and extra Birx pickles on the side…you know, the sandwich with the tiny microchip in it…”

Two High-Powered Brooklyn Lawyers Arrested, Face Federal Charges After Hurling Molotov Cocktails into Police...

Two high-powered lawyers, including an Ivy League corporate attorney were charged on Sunday with hurling Molotov cocktails into a police vehicle during the New York leftist riots this weekend.