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Qanon May 28, 2020 – We Rise or We Die – Dave Hayes...

Q warns us that the future of our nation is a stake. Either we rise or we die

It’s All Ready Happening, The MSM/D’s Have Lost The Economy Narrative –

The Trump administration is building the foundation for small businesses, people and those in rural and minority areas

Running from the Real News! Hey Trudeau Why is Canada funding the Chinese army?...

Why is Justin Trudeau sending our money to fund the Peoples Liberation Army in China?

Handling Covid-19 in Vancouver, British Columbia, by BCMQ

I am very pleased with the Dr. Metra Report about the success rate of Covid 19 Recoveries and the rest broadcast on CKNW and more than likely reported elsewhere this am

The delusion called Fauci, by Jon Rappoport

In an interview with the National Geographic, Tony Fauci made comments about “alternative views” of the origin of the coronavirus. But he was really talking about all unorthodox medical information:

The Pandemic, – Just The Facts Please! by Ivan Fjodorovič

B.C. has seen an increase in illicit drug deaths since 2018 – at an average rate of 3.2 people dying per day, meaning that this year has died 460 people

BOOM! Guess Who is Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation? – Amazing Polly

I have to set the stage, so BOOM comes at about 10 minutes in. This is HUGE!

Canada sends $ 790 million to Bill Gates to promote global immunization

Canada is sending $ 790 million to an organization founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is working with the World Health Organization to make vaccines available worldwide

New FBI Docs Show Obama Administration Spied On Trump And The Senate –

https://youtu.be/YhF36OoJew0 Report date: 05.27.2020 The economy is springing back into motion, Obama's top economist says the best economic data in history is about to happen, Kudlow...