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The Days Of Globalists Have Come To An End – You Must Show Them,...

The D's believe that this is the time to put their economic plan in action, they want to bring the US to a 3rd world economy, they want to move ahead with it, they have already failed, Trump has been dismantling their plan

John Michael Chambers welcomes Dave Hayes, aka Praying Medic on the Nemos News Network

The D class is here, as the young maskers get unmasked. Joining us today is Mr. Dave Hayes, also known as Praying Medic.

Q – Obama is On Defense Now, More To Come SOON – Dustin Nemos

Talking about fake news, it’s good to be a journalist who’s not facing treason charges in the near future. I’m sure a lot of them are afraid. There’s a lot of panic from a lot of these Talking Heads fake news types on social media especially Twitter

Judge Sullivan: A Prosecutor in Robes, Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz nails the Judge Sullivan debacle concisely… read on, it's short enough!

The Depth Of The Swamp Is Exposed, The Shadow Government…

The [DS]/MSM is now losing the battle with the event, people, doctors are now waking up and speaking out

Nolte: CNN’s Jake Tapper Was a Willing #Obamagate Co-Conspirator

CNN’s Jake Tapper didn’t just spend the last few years deliberately spreading fake news about the now-debunked Russia Collusion Hoax; we must never forget he was also a willing #Obamagate co-conspirator

WAKE UP, AMERICA! The liberal Democrats have ONE objective: POWER over American people! by...

The new Nancy Pelosi $3-Trillion Congressional bill is NOT for struggling Americans

Ben Swann Analyzes the $100 Billion Contact Tracing Bill, HR 6666

https://youtu.be/36EdTXY2nUs Courtesy of May 15, 2020 Ben Swann said that while the COVID-19 ‘Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone’ (TRACE) Act bill is short and to the point,...

Stunning! Deep State Made Unmasking Requests on Trump Family Members the Morning of President...

If former CIA Director John Brennan is outed as the quarterback of the dossier scandal, then by association, so is his boss, former President Obama.