
Qanon December 28, 2019 – Pelosi’s Gambit, by Praying Medic

Having voted to impeach Donald Trump in the House of Representatives, why is Nancy Pelosi withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate?

Former NFL Star Predicts ‘Black Awakening’ Will Give Trump A Huge Advantage In 2020...

He used to support Obama but now he backs Trump.

Epstein was MOS Spy, Trump SURGES, TROJAN MAGA Flips on Trump – Dustin Nemos

https://youtu.be/Y4P8XF9n5ks   Hello my friend. It's Dustin Nemos from the Nemos News Network. Once again, Merry Christmas! There is a lot to go over today… and there's something...

Obama & Biden Under Investigation – Dustin Nemos

Hunter Biden is subject to multiple investigations that involve "fraud, money laundering, and counterfeiting"!

Queensland’s Chemtrails and Geo-engineering Abominations? (Video)

HAARP - Weather Weapon documented on the History channel

Australian bush fires might have the same ignition source as California fires

How do 50 or more bushfires start almost simultaneously across NSW or Queensland?

Canadians are avoiding Bell, Telus and Rogers by getting U.S. phone plans

Ask a Canadian about their smart phone plan and you’re typically going to hear an earful about how they’re paying too much, especially in comparison to the rest of the developed world.

Henry Ford Built a Hemp Car That Ran on Hemp Fuel 80 Years Ago

Henry Ford built a car out of hemp plastic that ran on hemp fuel almost a century ago. Why aren’t we driving it today?

Prince Andrew ‘Ordered’ Not to Attend Christmas Service With Royal Family Over Epstein Scandal

Prince Andrew was reportedly “ordered” not to attend the main Christmas services with the rest of the royal family

Most persecuted religious group in the world – Christians!

Every year at Christmastime, I write my Sun column about persecuted Christians around the world. And every year, I pray that this will be the last year I have to do it.