
Department of Deep State Abuse (Child)

https://youtu.be/VWDVKPLhJEs Uncovering Pedophilia, child trafficking and child sacrifice...    

The Gateway Pundit and Epoch Times Banned by Wikipedia Over Truthful Reporting on Ukraine...

T. D. Adler at Breitbart News today reported the Wikipedia blacklists now include The Epoch Times and The Gateway Pundit for our truthful reporting on Russiagate.

Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated! – Dustin Nemos

Another campaign promise fulfilled! The House passes Trump's USMCA Trade Agreement...

You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on...

Some might choose to dismiss such claims as speculation, but these sources now say that Virginia has been chosen as the deliberate flashpoint to ignite the civil war that’s being engineered by globalists.

Biggest Lie – No One is Above the Law. John Barbour on the Goddard...

https://youtu.be/jmDK6eF2HfQ talkdigitalnetwork 6.51K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Myth that “The Mob” killed JFK Guest's website: http://www.johnbarboursworld.com/Prod... by https://www.HoweStreet.com Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the HoweStreet.com Weekly Recap with thought provoking podcasts,...

Impeached, Soros investigated, Barr, Obamacare DONE, Bloods vs Sharia, Dems 2020 Odds Dying

“Ridiculous” and “Really Sick” – Evil Nancy Pelosi Responds to President Trump’s Historic Letter on Impeachment

Will The People’s Party Be Ready For An Early Election? Max Bernier on the...

The Establishment, Mainstream Media, and a Lawsuit

VIDEO: RCMP Refusing To Confirm Or Deny Whether Trudeau Is Under Investigation For Possible...

by Spencer Fernando December 18, 2019 While SNC-Lavalin has pled guilty to one count of fraud, for which they will pay a $280 million fine, has brought...

Giuliani says he has uncovered “billions” in Obama-era corruption which is why Democrats are...

Anyone who has been paying any attention at all to the Democrat-led impeachment of President Donald Trump, and who is fair-minded, knows that the current occupant of the Oval Office did not commit any “high crimes and misdemeanors,”