SNC-Lavalin Pleads Guilty To Charge Of Fraud

SNC-Lavalin is pleading guilty to one charge of fraud in connection to their work in Libya.

Forget Impeachment: This was President Trump’s Big Week

Historians may look back and mark this week as a remarkable turning point in the Trump presidency

Dems Want To Imprison Trump Over Coup Lies – Dustin Nemos

Desperate “Democrats” made up wire fraud charges to indict President Trump. They say it will put him away for 20 years!

FISA Court Issues Rare Public Order Condemning FBI for Russia Probe Abuses and Demanding...

In a rare public order issued Tuesday, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court condemned the FBI for the errors and omissions in its application to surveil Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page

President Trump writes a letter to Nancy Pelosi…

"I write to express my strongest my strongest and most powerful protest" ... President Trump

5G Problems and Solutions – Jerry Day on The Corbett Report

Jerry Day of EMFHelpCenter.com joins us today on The Corbett Report for an information-packed presentation on the status of 5G implementation in the US and around the world

DIVISIVE: Trudeau Attacks Kenney In New Interview, Appears Clueless About State Of Canadian Economy

Says “he’s not backing off” on “fighting climate change,” signalling he’s going to keep screwing over Canada’s energy industry

Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed – Praying Medic

Q explains how Attorney General Willam Barr has operated like a stealth bomber and we look at some compelling Q proofs.

US: Rep. Adam Schiff’s Telephone Subpoenas

The House of Representatives, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will not punish Rep. Adam Schiff for targeting his political enemies with secret subpoenas of their...

Gitmo Ready For Schiff, Snowden & Others – Great Awakening with Dustin Nemos

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