
Copy of UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 – A Must Watch for...

Learn why rights are eroded, guns are taken away, free speech and civil liberties are expunged! THIS IS WAR!!!

Maxime Bernier hires former ombudsman to prepare legal action against Warren Kinsella over racism...

Maxime Bernier is preparing a defamation case against political consultant Warren Kinsella for calling Mr. Bernier a racist and a bigot.

More Q Posts, Fake MAGA – Dustin Nemos

More QPosts, MOS & FAKE MAGA are the THREAT

Is our “winter weather” natural? Or man-made? Dane Wigington

The weather makers continue to push the climate system ever further into uncharted territory

Schiff spying on Rudy? Clowns will be… Dustin Nemos

Rep. Nunes Sues CNN for Junk Report on Vienna Meeting – Nunes Was Never in Austria in Dec. 2018, He Was in Libya!

Trudeau’s Throne Speech Already Overshadowed By Nightmare Jobs Report

All the flowery language in the world can’t distract from Canada’s real problems.

Massive Worldwide Protests: The Cry for Revolution! – Dustin Nemos

‘Splitting coverage’: John Ratcliffe says Democrats leveraging impeachment to distract from FISA report

An Explosive Documentary Exposing Pedophiles In Parliament & The British Royal Family

Sonia Poulton, a British journalist, social commentator, and filmmaker, has been investigating the dark web of pedophilia for years. Some of her research has been complied into a documentary called "Pedophiles In Parliament."

Pakistani investigators say hundreds of girls and women being sold to China — but...

Pakistani investigators have confirmed at least 629 girls and women from across the country were sold as brides to Chinese men and taken to China in the past 18 months or so.

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice

The first treasonous act in 1963 has brought forth this harvest of Evil