
The Media Has Abandoned the Country, Again – Dan Bongino (Video)

In this episode, I address the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak along with the incredible US jobs report

Trump campaign sues CNN over ‘false and defamatory’ statements, seeks millions in damages

"The complaint alleges CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published them but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process...

QAnon – “Some Galaxy Brain Stuff”

Anybody still wondering why Hundreds of Thousands of Hillary emails were found on Anthony Weiner's personal laptop?

A Petri Dish for Terrorist Activity, by BMCQ

Unbelievably Terrorists return to their so called Home Country on a regular basis

Corona baloney: it’s the money, honey Mar 6 by Jon Rappoport

Enter THE VIRUS. The medical version of Satan.

Trump blasts Biden’s record in ‘Hannity’ exclusive interview

President Donald Trump speaks with Sean Hannity via phone to discuss the 2020 Democratic race, coronavirus outbreak and more

Coronavirus: the definition of “cases” is producing a new level of illusion Mar 5...

Buckle up. We’re not riding on a smooth superhighway. These roads are extremely bumpy and rough.

Loaded Predictive Programming Gem from 1967’s “News Benders Show”

This is 5 minutes loaded with in your face info. and predictive programming.

Censorship coming under proposed Canadian Communications Commission

The underlying message of the federal government’s new plans for a regulatory Communications Commission is that the government is here to help curate the internet for Canadians