
Dave Rubin & Maxime Bernier Hamilton, Ontario FULL PANEL PPC

On September 29, 2019, Dave Rubin held a free speech event in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where the special guest was the leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS All Refused to Cover Abortionist Who Kept 2,246...

The grotesque nature of abortion and the industry that profits from it is routinely hidden by the national press beneath a gauzy layer of rhetorical blather about a “woman’s right to choose.” It’s drummed into the public daily: Abortion is a precious civil right, a sacrament of feminism, never a death, let alone a murder

Rubin Event Aftermath – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Frank Vaughan

Antifa and the media that covers up their crimes are collectively the rot undermining the very fabric of society

Photo: Joe, Hunter Biden Golf with Ukraine Energy Company Board Member in 2014

A newly-unearthed photo shows former Vice President Joe Biden and son Hunter sharing a round of golf with Devon Archer, who sat on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings alongside Hunter.

QANON You Are Witnessing The Largest Mass Treason Event In Living History


Mark Levin interviews Peter Schweizer about Joe Biden and son corruption

Life, Liberty & Levin with Mark Levin and special guest, Peter Schweizer and details the corruption of the Bidens.

David Menzies ARRESTED at Andrew Scheer Conservative event: All the footage, all the...

David Menzies of Rebel News reports: You may have heard that a journalist was thrown out of a Conservative Party campaign event today in Whitby, Ontario. Well, I'm that journalist, and thanks to my own video and footage from others in attendance, you can make up your own mind about what happened here

Antifa in Hamilton Ontario threatening a senior with a walker – Coward Bullies in...

A protest outside an event by People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier took a violent turn Sunday evening as demonstrators clashed with supporters and those attending, with several people led away in handcuffs.

Toronto Star Interview with Maxime Bernier – A MUST Watch!

The biased Star’s editorial board meet with Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, to talk about the upcoming Canadian federal election

Mark Levin Hammers FNC’s Ed Henry over Allegation of Trump ‘Illegal’ Behavior During Call...

Mark Levin, aka The Great One! goes after Ed Henry accusing him, and other reporters of not doing research and reporting the facts, in this case regarding the Whistleblower connected with the Ukraine story...