
ESPN Pulls Trailer for Movie Where Liberals Hunt ‘Deplorables’ for Sport

ESPN has pulled a trailer for Universal Pictures and Blumhouse’s The Hunt – a movie reportedly featuring liberal elites hunting red state “deplorables” for sport –

David Menzies on the People’s Party of Canada

David Menzies of The Rebel Media gives his impression of the public sentiment towards the People's Party of Canada. We spoke with David on the occasion of People's Party of Canada announcing their slate of Southern Ontario candidates in London, Ontario on July 19th, 2019.

The Downing of 8Chan – Jim Watkins

Jim Watkins talks about 8Chan being shut down, and what's going on behind the scenes

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

What the notoriously corrupt United States federal government is claiming is to have sent men to the moon in 1969, on the VERY FIRST attempt, even though right here on earth Mt. Everest and the South Pole took NUMEROUS tries before success, allegedly accomplishing this amazing feat with 50 YEAR older technology (a cell phone has ONE MILLION times more computing power than ALL of NASA did in 1969), yet 50 YEARS later NASA can now only send astronauts ONE - THOUSANDTH the distance to the moon, even with 5 DECADES more advancements in rockets and computers.

Boom! President Trump DESTROYS Barack Obama Over His Disgusting Tweets and Blame Following Weekend...

During the Barack Obama years there were at least 32 mass shootingsincluding the massacre of children at Sandy Hook, the attack on gays at Pulse nightclub and the police shooting in Dallas, Texas.

Dayton shooter Connor Betts described himself as a ‘leftist’ and a Satanist who hated...

Dayton gunman Connor Betts described himself as a 'leftist' who demanded socialism and was pro-gun control, according to his now-suspended Twitter account

People Shot In Toronto Over The Weekend Rises to 17 (Updated)

While our neighbours to the south are reeling in the aftermath of two horrific mass shootings, there has been some serious violence here at home as well.

What The Liberal Media Is HIDING About The Dayton Shooter

This is important information that they are CHOOSING to hide from us…

Ontario teachers are aggressively brainwashing students in LGBT

The LGTBQ indoctrination never ends. Children in schools must be brainwashed. In the latest edition of Professionally Speaking, the June 2019 publication of the Ontario College of Teachers has another article pushing once more the inclusive classroom.

“News Coverage Has Got to Start Being Fair” – PRESIDENT TRUMP Slams Fake News...

President Trump spoke to reporters on Sunday on his way back to the White House from his New Jersey resort.