EXCLUSIVE: California’s nuclear power plants built in close proximity to the San Andreas fault,...

A Natural News investigation into the geolocation of nuclear power facilities in California reveals that five nuclear facilities were built in close proximity to the San Andreas fault line, with some constructed right in the middle of earthquake zones that have up to a 50% chance of a severe earthquake every 30 years

FBI Reveals Murdered Arkansas Senator Planned to Expose Child Pornography, Child Sex Trafficking Syndicate:...

(Former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, left, and Rebecca O'Donnell, right, the woman charged in her death.KTVH-TV)   True Pundit  July 10, 2019 The FBI has intervened in...

Former Canadian ambassador reportedly told Chinese officials that hurting Canada could aid Conservatives

by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz The Post Millennial  July 9, 2019 According to CTV News, John McCallum, the former Canadian ambassador to China, says he “warned Chinese officials that “punishing” Canada...

The Jeffrey Epstein case could involve a ‘well-known prime minister.’ Here’s what we know

Epstein could spell trouble for many of the prominent businessman’s powerful friends — including one described at the time as “a well-known Prime Minister.”

Flashback: Jeffrey Epstein’s Attorneys Said He Helped Create Clinton Global Initiative

Clinton pal and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s attorneys once claimed the embattled billionaire helped “conceive” the Clinton Global Initiative

Canada Needs to Get Tougher With China – Harvey Oberfeld

Quebec, Trudeau, Scheer, Trump, NHL

A-List Democrats and Journalists Partied with Jeffrey Epstein

You cannot find anywhere — and correct me if I’m wrong — on this Jeffrey Epstein story, you do not see that this guy’s a raging, big Democrat, do you? When he got out of jail, he has a dinner party and at the dinner party, Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, all of these A-list, left-wing journalist and socialite A-listers.

Maxime Bernier visits Alberta to try to coax disillusioned conservatives over to People’s Party...

Bernier calls Scheer a 'fake conservative' and says he offers a truer vision

GOLDSTEIN: Numbers show Trudeau’s climate promises are fake news

(Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pauses as he addresses the media on the terrorist attacks in Paris prior to his departure for the G20...

The Climate Change Hoax – Dr. Tim Ball

Dr. Tim Ball, author of Humans Caused Global Warming, examines the climate change hoax and explains how a premeditated, orchestrated deception fooled a majority, including most scientists.