GMO “IS” NOW Legal: President Trump Signs Executive Order

June 15, 2019 INSIDER COMMENT: It seems obvious why the weather weapons have been used, accelerated and directed to destroy farming communities in the heart of...

‘Down to Earth’ — The earthing movie

Grounding, also called earthing, is the practice of placing your bare feet on the ground, which is associated with many health benefits

Full interview: Trump calls in to ‘Fox & Friends’

President Trump discusses Iran being implicated in assaulting oil takers in the Gulf of Oman, Nancy Pelosi accusing him of a criminal cover-up, calls to fire Kellyanne Conway, Joe Biden's campaign and more in a wide-ranging phone call with 'Fox & Friends.'

McCabe Let Slip Their Sick 2020 Election Scam As Trump & Mark Meadows Warn...

Black Conservative Patriot Published on 14 Jun 2019 SUBSCRIBED 330K What are your thoughts? Share them below! #BCP #NEWS #BCPNEWS For More Content or to Support this channel:...

Petition Launched To Recall Mayor Garcetti Over LA Homeless Crisis

Earlier this month, the results of a survey of the homeless in Los Angeles County found the numbers were up sharply, about 12% in the county and 16% in the city

People’s Party of Canada Fighting for Free Speech…

Not caving in to special interest groups

Revealed: Facebook Has a Process to Label You a “Hate Agent” for Behavior Online...

In 2018 Google helped the Chinese Communists develop a social credit scoring system

Netflix goes all-in for pedophilia with new “Dancing Queen” series that glorifies the sexualization...

Opening the floodgates for the normalization of child exploitation and pedophilia is none other than the far-Left media streaming service Netflix

Communist China Pins All Blame On Canada For Breakdown In Relations, Trudeau & Freeland...

Also, Trudeau and Freeland still can’t get meetings, as they have been totally snubbed.

“Even Animals Learn Where Their Sustenance Comes From And They Don’t Bite The Hand...

One of Canada’s most respected and successful entrepreneurs is warning that the federal government is biting the hand that feeds them and risking separatist sentiment in Alberta & Saskatchewan due to their approach to Canada’s energy industry