Revealed: Facebook Has a Process to Label You a “Hate Agent” for Behavior Online...

In 2018 Google helped the Chinese Communists develop a social credit scoring system

Netflix goes all-in for pedophilia with new “Dancing Queen” series that glorifies the sexualization...

Opening the floodgates for the normalization of child exploitation and pedophilia is none other than the far-Left media streaming service Netflix

Communist China Pins All Blame On Canada For Breakdown In Relations, Trudeau & Freeland...

Also, Trudeau and Freeland still can’t get meetings, as they have been totally snubbed.

“Even Animals Learn Where Their Sustenance Comes From And They Don’t Bite The Hand...

One of Canada’s most respected and successful entrepreneurs is warning that the federal government is biting the hand that feeds them and risking separatist sentiment in Alberta & Saskatchewan due to their approach to Canada’s energy industry

Vice the Pedo Promoting, Cocaine Dealing, Soros Funded Fake News Hit Piece on Amazing...

So! Vice News Canada decided to sit inside its Deep State Operation Mockingbird Glass House and Throw Stones, did it??

Wendy’s Launches Campaign to Raise Money for Adoption Instead of Abortion

Wendy’s has rejected the pro-abortion movement that so many big companies are pushing.

Exactly as Adams predicted: LGBT parents begin physically maiming their own children in botched...

Fascinating timeline that shows you how the left-wing techno-fascists censor anyone who tells the truth about the rampant child abuse, child mutilations and child murder now being carried out by LGBT “progressives” around the world

VIDEO: As He Divides Canadians With His Unpatriotic Disloyalty, Trudeau Blames Conservatives & Scheer...

Time and time again, Trudeau blames others rather than take responsibility for the crises he creates

Award-winning professor Salim Mansur disqualified from seeking Conservative nomination

Mansur, a recently retired Western University professor, announced his candidacy last September in his home riding, London North Centre

Dodgeball is Oppressive

The Washington Post actually ran a story about a group of Canadian academics that have discovered that dodgeball is actually an oppressive and dehumanising tool of the patriarchy