SNC Lavalin CEO’s wife, employed by Stephen Bronfman, to leave Canada imminently

Emma Griffin and Neil Bruce, the CEO of SNC Lavalin, sold their Montreal home on March 14th for more than $3.3 million

Porn star Stormy Daniels now says Trump affair never happened

(FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2007 file photo, Stormy Daniels arrives for the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel...

The Rally For Democracy – 5 week old Brexit Party is Alive! (55 minutes)

https://www.facebook.com/brexitpartyuk/videos/388903508377762/UzpfSTEwMDAwMTA1MTAyMzE5NToyNDA3NjQ0OTkyNjEzODQ1/?notif_id=1558466734207739&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic Once you open video, For AUDIO, click the X in the lower right hand corner of the video This rally was recorded on Tuesday May...

Tommy Robinson’s view: What REALLY happened at Muslim riot in Oldham

Tommy Robinson’s campaign in Oldham was attack by more than 100 Muslim rioters on Saturday, many wearing masks and throwing rocks and bricks

Canadian Veteran Medric Cousineau details yet another betrayal inflicted upon Canada’s heroes.

Canadian Veteran Medric Cousineau details yet another betrayal inflicted upon Canada’s heroes

WATCH: Conservative Senator Rips Trudeau’s ‘Independent’ Senators Attempt To Cover-Up SNC-Lavalin Scandal

The supposedly ‘independent’ Senate is actually doing Justin Trudeau’s bidding, desperately trying to avoid a real investigation of the SNC-Lavalin PMO Scandal

Yellow Vests 26: Viral FAKE News & Media Gag Order

The Yellow Vests protests enter week 26. Two dueling narratives are being reported, one claiming this is the smallest protest yet, and the other saying attendance has tripled

Trump declares national emergency over threats against US technology amid campaign against Huawei

President Donald Trump on Wednesday declared a national emergency over threats against American technology, the White House said.

Barry and Honey Sherman’s neighbours cite mysterious 911 call, visitor on day before billionaires...

Toronto Police were investigating a mysterious 911 call down the street from Barry and Honey Sherman’s home at the same time as the Apotex founder and his wife lay dead or dying, a Star investigation reveals

Now that we know the FBI is corrupt and treasonous, it’s time to revisit...

The Bush administration, with obvious ties to the CIA (Bush senior was the former director of the CIA) used the 9/11 attacks to firmly establish the intelligence community’s stranglehold over all politics and political players