MAD Magazine Gets Last Laugh — Changes Twitter Page to Bash Mayor Pete Buttigieg...

Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States,’ Trump told Politico when asked if he sees Buttigieg as a serious threat to his 2020 re-election.

FUREY: The big question is why did they charge Mark Norman in the first...

https://youtu.be/MLPeWtOgElg   BY ANTHONY FUREY May 11, 2019 There are certain crimes that cannot be left to fester. Like if police find a dead body, they need to...

Are The Greens Taking Over from NDP? Spencer Fernando

Vice Admiral charges dropped, another scandal for Trudeau?

Devin Nunes Discusses James Comey Recent Comments….

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes discusses James Comey’s recent comments and the ongoing efforts against Attorney General Bill Barr

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Smears Covington Students with the Help of Ilhan Omar Character

NBC crime procedural Law & Order: Special Victims Unit featured a “ripped from the headlines” theme in its latest episode, which smeared the Covington Catholic kids by pitting them against an Ilhan Omar-styled character who is portrayed as a hero

“I Will Not Yield” – In Epic Rant, Jim Jordan Accuses Dems Of Sweeping...

by Tyler Durden Fri, 05/10/2019 As Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee - led by Chairman Jerry Nadler - voted to hold AG William Barr in contempt on...

Dean Del Mastro Is Right. Elections Canada Is Dangerously Biased And Must Be Investigated

Of course, that will never happen under the corrupt Trudeau government

WATCH: Vice-Admiral Mark Norman Press Conference

Norman lawyer Marie Henein did incalculable damage to the Trudeau brand

KINSELLA: Trudeau government trying to cover its tracks

If your political party has been caught obstructing justice — as the political party led by Justin Trudeau assuredly was, in the SNC-Lavalin scandal — what’s the one thing you need to avoid, at all costs?

Jim Jordan Brilliantly Recaps Political Motives of Jerry Nadler to Impeach AG Bill Barr…

During the House Judiciary Committee farce debate toward a pre-written impeachment resolution, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan outlines the political motives of House democrats to try and avoid the looming investigation by Attorney General Bill Barr